


Rural Infrastructure and Dalrymple Farms

Photographs: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies In order of appearance: sh2012P039, US Indexed County Land Ownership Maps (ancestry.com), rs000976, rs005651, rs000630014, rs005710, rs000988, rs005655, rs005650, shA4263, rsL00007, rsL00008 Narration: Laura Egland
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Tent Cities

Tent cities traveled with the railroad because they were easy to assemble and could be moved quickly as the railroad developed. They existed because of the construction of the railroad and the building of the city of Fargo. The men that stayed in these cities were accustomed to hard living conditions, as tents did not keep heat very well in the cold area of Fargo. The men that resided in these tents were originally l
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Sod Homes

While large-scale farming was the major goal of the Northern Pacific Railroad and its successors, small scale-farming was in full swing. Immigrants and settlers from other parts of the Eastern United States moved westward to claim land along the Northern Pacific way. Many of the smaller farmers who came to the Red River Valley claimed land and built sod homes. Resources in the Red River Valley were sparse on the open
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